Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Happy Wednesday, everyone!

For some reason, I've just felt a huge surge of excitement and motivation, and it's an incredible feeling. Perhaps it's the fact that I found some great things to register for, or that I came up with a handful of new recipe ideas to try, or even the fact that I'm going to New York in about a week and a half!

One of my closest friends lives in New York, and she is as big of a foodie as I am. When we get together, it's like a show off the Food Network, only without the cameras. So, we decided in celebration of this blog, we are going to make my trip an excuse to try as many vegan restaurants, bakeries, and coffee shops as possible while I'm in New York for a few days. I think for main courses, we are going to either make it a point to order vastly different entrees or even split dishes in order to fit more places (and food tastings) into our day. I can't begin to tell you all how excited I am to post all the reviews and pictures of my trip. Hopefully the fact that New Yorkers, on average, walk about 5 miles per day will help with my metabolism. Funny enough, every time I'm in New York, I don't pig out as much as I prepare myself to. My theory is that all the sights and walking help distract you from focusing on food too much. Or perhaps I really did pig out, and all the walking evened things out.

Anyway, this weekend I'm planning on going to the farmer's market and Whole Foods in search of ingredients for my recipe ideas. I won't give too much away just yet, but it's going to be a Fall Frenzy of delicious dishes (try to say that three times fast!). My goal is to create a whole repertoire of cozy, comforting autumn meals while keeping everything healthy and nutritious.

And by the way, isn't it so ironic that everything I'm excited about putting on my wedding registry is related to cooking? ;)

Have a fantastic day, everyone! As for me, I'm hoping this burst of energy and excitement lasts long enough for me to get home and get a good run/jog in for the day.


  1. yay for motivation! isn't it a great feeling?!

    btw- i'm loving the new blog!

  2. Thanks!!! I'm super excited about it. A friend of mine is a web developer and asked if he could interview me about it. Exciting, huh???

    And the motivation feels AMAZING finally. I woke up today at 530am and forgot how amazing a morning exercise session feels. :)

  3. Hey Lindsey
    I see youve just started this blog, so welcome to blog land. And thanks for stopping by and your lovely comment.
    New York sounds amazing! I hope you have an awesome time.


  4. Hi Rose, you are quite welcome! Thanks by stopping by my blog, too. :) I'm glad to read that things in your life are well!

  5. your trip sounds like it will be awesome! i live 1 1/2 hours from nyc, but i don't get to visit very often. so when i go, i like to make every meal count! looking forward to your reviews of all the vegan places so i know where to eat next! :)
